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  • Writer's pictureTom Matte

How My Broken Brain Sees 3-Dimensions

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

In this math post, I’ll explain how my brain processes 2 and 3-dimensional Upsight images and how these images translate into deeper mathematical insights.

Let’s start with an example of what I “see” when I shut my eyes and shift my attention. Let’s say I’m looking at a 2-dimensional graph or pie chart created by a marketing research team. I can then shift my attention and “see” a 3-dimensional version using Upsight. I can then turn the image around in my field of vision and perhaps find new information that may not have been obvious from the original 2-dimensional perspective.

Alternatively, let’s say I’m wondering what a 3-dimensional sunflower image looks like laid flat on a 2-dimensional plane. I can focus on the sunflower image, and my Upsight vision shows me how to place it flat in a beautifully designed geometrical pattern. Upsight doesn’t just show me one version. I can mentally request other arrangements as well. These are two, easy to understand examples of this incredible Visuospatial skill/gift/talent.

I can consciously manifest images in two, three and even four or more space dimensions. Upsight guides me from one dimension to the next without missing a beat. I can move any number of spatial objects through any number of time dimensions.

Direction doesn’t necessarily matter either. Directions are different with Upsight. The order can matter, but it doesn’t have to. A sequence can become a set and then another sequence. Dimensions can be folded, inverted, or just ignored. Our classic 3-dimensions of space and 1-dimension of time is the tip of the iceberg. Literally.

My Upsight visions/hallucinations don’t follow the rules of our 3-dimensional world. They don’t follow any rules that I’ve been able to pin down, everything’s fluid, including the rules. Like when you’re dreaming.

There’s an interesting article in Scientific American from earlier this month titled “What Lucid Dreams Look like.” From the article “A new study on lucid dreaming, published in Nature Communications last month, has found that we make certain kinds of eye movements when we dream that also occur when we view actual objects, but not when we imagine them.”

The eye movements in question are called “smooth pursuit,” and as their name indicates, we use them to track objects in motion: a ball rolling on a playground, a boat sailing against the horizon, or a flock of birds flying in formation. One fascinating aspect of smooth pursuit eye movements is that you can’t fake them.

You can use smooth pursuit to track an actual moving object, but not an imagined one.”

This is precisely how I see with Upsight. I access a waking dream state that teaches me math and anything else I set my mind to. All I need is a shift in my attention, and I’m plugged into Upsight: My new type of vision.

You can read about Upsight, here, here and here.

I can “see” any number of different infinities; I can move from one sized infinity to another. I can slide from a spatial dimension to a time dimension and most impressively, to me anyway, to a space-time dimension. My brain sees math problems and solutions. Geometric images and answers to math problems. I see numbers the same way some musicians hear music, or painters see colors, very specific and not even a little bit academic.

On that note, let me state unequivocally. Upsight doesn’t care about bottom-up mathematical dogma or mathematical rigor. There’s no obvious pedantic teaching order. As important, there’s not necessarily a learning order. First arithmetic, then geometry, then algebra, then trigonometry, then calculus. Upsight gives no shits about supposed first-order logic.

Don’t get me wrong, Upsight cares about mathematical truths, but those aren’t necessarily reached through first-order logic or academics.

Upsight is a showerhead of fluid images and insights washing over my brain. It’s top down.

My brain then translates these information-carrying signals into mathematical knowledge. I get insights into physics, quantum physics and anything else I happen to have a passion for. However, it still takes work to apply these insights to real-world solutions.

My numeracy appears to be somewhat different from that of a traditional mathematician. I’m not a computational savant. I’m not even a real mathematician. I’m a Visuospatial ninja. I find order in chaos. I see symmetry in asymmetry. I create.

I’ll save an example of what 4-Space dimensions look like for another post.

For now, sweet dreams.

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